Aiming for progress, not perfection.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Sunday, June 15, 2008

notes to self, a running list.

  • clean out the baby's carseat after weeklong vacation before putting clean baby in seat to ride to church. otherwise, said baby ends up eating and/or smearing a variety of foods all over her clean skin, hair and clothes.
  • realize that it will take at least 12 hours to cool a house from 95 degrees when the air conditioner is off for an entire week. this realization will help you avoid having to fall asleep at 1 a.m. while it's still 85.
  • missy has to be the most incredible teenager on the planet. she dogsat doc for the whole week, something we planned on and for which we planned on compensating her. but while she had access to my empty house, she cleaned THE ENTIRE THING. among other things, she STEAMED THE CARPETS. she cleaned my whole kitchen. SHE DID ALL OUR LAUNDRY. holy cow.

more to come..


Missy said...

You are the sweetest thing ever sarah I always have a wonderful time house sitting / dog sitting. It gives me something to do during the days. Any time you need me just call! =)

La said...

Missy is indeed a WONDERFUL girl!!! She did that for us numerous times - so sweet.....We miss her!