Aiming for progress, not perfection.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Monday, February 11, 2013


Driving into work this afternoon, I heard a Tenth Avenue North song talking about God being there in a variety of moments, and it included this line: "The times when you're hungry and tempted to steal..."

An involuntary, "Mmm..." escaped my lips.

I'm never physically hungry. Certainly not so that I'm tempted to steal food. Praise God for that.

But I hunger in different ways. And I "steal" from places I shouldn't to try to satiate that hunger. It's becoming more and more obvious that when I need rest or refilling, I steal. I shop or browse the internet mindlessly. I obsess about baby things or organizing a closet or homeschooling or any number of other things. I worry.

All of that ends up making my issues worse. I'm hungrier.

Someday, maybe I'll learn. Maybe I'll learn to seek nourishment from where it truly comes.

Knowing and doing... Two very different things.

Help me, Lord, to seek You first and to go with you with my areas of emptiness and lack. I need You to refill me so that I can be poured out again. There are lots of people -- little and big -- who are counting on my ability to count on You.

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