there is no way i could ever begin to delve into the insight and revelation that has been mine throughout this study. however, the overarching truth of God's presence and providence in the lives of His people -- even when they cannot see Him -- has been as timely a message as i have ever received. God has been showing off fancy in countless realms of my life in the past several months, but there is one -- a very troubling, frustrating and scary one -- that remains unsolved so far. up to this point, i have not heard from Him regarding it.
this study of esther has confirmed in my heart that He is always working. He is always working for His purpose and He is always working for my good. (ephesians 1:11; philippians 2:13; romans 8:28.)
as i devoured the last words on the last page of this study while sitting on my back porch this afternoon, i burst into tears -- tears for the end of a great study, tears for the great, grave situation in which i find myself and tears for the great Truth. in what i can only chalk up to a Holy Spirit prompting, i turned my eyes to the far corner of my backyard.
this is what i saw:
i got up and walked across a length of dry, vicious stickers in the grass to reach the beautifully fragrant purple flowers. i touched them, and i cried some more.
and God said:
you will walk across painful and uncomfortable times. there is no doubt. but lift your eyes from your troubles and see that I am what awaits you on the other side. My beauty and fragrance is your reward. walk strong, My sarah. even when all you can feel is the stabbing in the soles of your feet, remember, i am always working. like esther, you are in the midst of a great story. you have been called to the Kingdom for such a time as this.
Good stuff!
Thank you for sharing this!
Amazing. I love the way our God speaks. I am so glad you got to experience this today.
Wow. That was sooo..... Thank you so much for sharing. I love it when He speaks to us. He loves you so much. What a blessing and to end your bible study with a direct word and visual from Him. Wow
totally awesome! wish the weather was that nice up here...i can almost smell the flowers!
our group just finished Ester. GREAT STUFF!!! thanks for sharing!
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