Aiming for progress, not perfection.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Monday, August 25, 2008

love-hate: sticky diaper tabs.

i do understand and appreciate the need for diaper tabs to be very sticky. what good would they do if they weren't? the babies' diapers would fall off and disaster would ensue.

however, why is it that these super sticky diaper tabs always get stuck to my poop-filled wipe while my other hand is occupied holding flailing baby legs and i'm desperately trying to move the poop-filled diaper and replace it with a clean one before the boy pees all over the place? i'm trying to yank the wipe lose and end up flinging the not-yet-wrapped poop-filled diaper in my haste.

and he ends up peeing on my pillow.

poop, indeed.


Sara_Smiles said...

here, here! I could just visualize the "painting" that was going on at your house. LOL!

jpiland said...

wait till he starts driving...this is the easy part.

crys said...

totally understand!!

i hate that!