Aiming for progress, not perfection.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Monday, August 13, 2007

kjh. i mean, kjk.

i was talking to landon today about something that is happening in my friend amy's life. i don't really know the details of it because she won't tell me. i'm cool with that. i was telling landon about how she told me she did spill her guts to our mutual good friend jeanette -- jeanette is amy's best friend.

landon said, "if amy and jeanette are best friends, who is your best friend?"

i thought for a second.

then i said, "kylah jo henry."

(then i said, "oops, i mean kylah jo kotze...")

he said, "awww.... really?"

then he said, "do you talk to her about me?!"



JAC said...

OK OK OK! I know you love KJ - so do I......but where's the newest pics of that precious baby! That's the total reason for my BLOGGING!

kj said...

i love you so stinkin' much! thank you Jesus for such a wonderful sister!

kjk is definitely weird to get used to, but i like it.

and no...we never talk about your husband. never.
