Aiming for progress, not perfection.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A good apple.

This little apple has an ear infection. I suspected it, and so we went to the doctor. It isn't very advanced, but I'm glad we caught it early. Last time she had an infection, we didn't get to the doctor until after her ear drum burst. Worst. mom. ever. She's such a champ though, and even when she doesn't feel well she is still all smiles, four little front teeth for all to see.

Lylah is wearing:
  • Mini Boden apple tee (via JBF sale)
  • Target grey yoga pants (via JBF sale)
  • Boumy red soft-sole shoes (via eBay)
I'm linking to Small Style!


Corey said...

Oh, she is a cutie, even with an ear infection! I love her apple shirt!

I read a few posts down. I love that song "Here I am, Lord", but I haven't heard it in so long! When I pay attention to the words, it has so much more meaning!

Erica said...

Poor girl! I hope her infection clears up quickly. What an adorable sweater cosy and cute and cherry, all medicine for sore ears, I think!!

Unknown said...

She is a doll! I haven't yet experienced an ear infection with my little ones so I am not sure I would even know what to look for! Especially if they are so good natured as yours is.

Natalie said...

You are not the worst mom ever. When Harper has an ear infection, she never complains until it's TERRIBLE. We just have tough kiddos. xoxo