Aiming for progress, not perfection.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Friday, January 28, 2011

homeschool thoughts: the beginning.

landon and i are contemplating homeschooling. i have many thoughts, and most are swirling around my head, refusing to land in any semblance of coherent order. schooling and my teaching career have proven to be difficult to nail down. i think the main problem is i am trying to plan too far in advance. i can't determine exactly how everything will turn out for the next 15+ years, which is silly to even attempt. yet i attempt. i'm pretty sure the Lord wants me to quit trying to layout the long-term, focus on the short-term and mostly pray more.


i have resolved to stick to what we can and have determined, which is to at least partially teach ellie and grayson some preschool curriculum next year. i will stay home for at least one year after the new baby comes in june because 1.) i want desperately to nurse full-time again (no mandatory pumping!), 2.) my heart's desire currently is to stay with all three of my children and keep the home, and 3.) money for childcare expenses for three children who are not yet in elementary school is money we are not willing to spend.

there is still a possibility that we would send ellie and grayson to the preschool they now attend for a couple days a week. mostly because they really, really love it. that is a budget issue we still need to go over, but it is on the table as an option.

if that's the case, i will teach the children on the days they are not at school-away-from-home. if they do not go back to their current preschool, i will work with them some each day.

starting in the fall, my plan is for 2-3 (very broken up) hours of school each weekday. (preschool homeschool moms out there, is that a doable time? or is that ridiculous?) and following are my curriculum choices at this point. things are always subject to change.



anyone have any thoughts on these curriculum choices? how do you choose curriculum?

there will be more to come on why we're thinking of homeschooling and other related issues, such as further explanation of curriculum choices.

you know, when i sort out my thoughts.


Wendy said...

Wecome to the darkside!

I think you're plan is a good one. You know what works for your family. I really don't think you'll need 2 - 3 hrs/day for preschool. Kids learn faster 1 on 1 and so it doesn't take that much time to get through a days worth of work. We spend maybe 2 hrs/day and we're doing kindergarten. I've heard good things about 5 in a row though I've never seen it myself. Good luck!

Wendy said...

Handwriting Without Tears - I've heard a lot of good things about that, too. I used Hooked on Handwriting b/c it was cheap ($10). I have other handwriting books from garage sales and a marker board with handwriting lines on it that I suppliment with it. For Z, I use a Reason for Handwriting. They have you write Scripture, and you're suppose to give your work away to bless people. We haven't gotten that far in the book, but I think he'll like doing that. I've only homeschooled a few years, and my curriculum choices have largely been influenced by our tight budget. I am in no way an expert, but am learning what I like and you will, too. Feel free to call me to bounce off ideas.

Anonymous said...

Before Five in a Row/Five in a Row are both wonderful resources. Five in a Row is easy to adapt according to your daughter's interests and abilities. Personally, I don't believe that the workbooks are necessary at all--if you use them, I'd encourage you to follow your daughter's lead, and keep the lessons short.
We take a different approach to homepreschool...we base it on the 4R's: Relationship (with God and family), routine, readiness and reading aloud. Our daily routine includes worship, Bible memory work, Bible story/devotional, (break); calendar, fingerplays, music, and story time (break); some type of activity, such as art OR a cooking,science, or some other real-life experience, OR learning games, OR guided creative play and/OR manipulatives. It is broken up with lots of free time to play.
I have sample daily routines, lists of literature-based units, sample units, and information about making the decision to homeschool on my
We homepreschooled all our children, have graduated one, and have a Senior, second grader and fourth grader still at home. Homeschooling has been a blessing to our family and to our children. If you would like to contact me via my blog or email me, I would be happy to send you more information about making the decision to homeschool, etc.
Susan Lemons
-homeschooling mom of 4
-Thinking About Homeschooling
group leader
-Author, Homepreschool and Beyond

Aimee Nicole said...

I got to see LeapFrog videos used over the course of a semester in kindergarten, and I'm sold on them actually being good learning videos for kids. The repetition and exposure will help out a ton when you actually sit down to do a lesson, in my opinion. I had 5 year olds who could tell me how the silent "e" changed a word and apply it before I ever made it a lesson- thanks LeapFrog!

Christal said...

Sarah, I definitely want to hear more of how things go on this journey of possibly homeschooling and all. I really want to start addie on good curriculum now as well and i have thought a lot about homeschooling maybe one day. I just have no clue on how it's all done. I commend you on all that you are doing! keep up the good work momma!