i'm going to dallas tomorrow. just me and the kids. i'm pretty pumped. trips to dallas are always filled with shopping -- whether or not we buy much -- and eating and talking and laughing and staying up late and all that great stuff. oh! and i'm getting my hair cut (haircut? hairs cut?) by my fabulous dallas stylist that i still cannot find a replacement for two-and-a-half years later.
landon is on a mission trip with the chi alpha folks in south texas to help fix up a terminally ill pastor's home. it's very cool that he gets to go, but, alas, here i am, avoiding bed because he's not here. hence this stab at a post.
i have officially discovered a tank top i love. it's target's mossimo microrib scoop tank. not too low, just long enough, super soft, not too tight, not too loose, lots of colors and on and on. the reviews of it online are great. i bought a coral-colored one today. because, according to my sources, coral is an "in" color for spring 2010. i know you're giving me the "did-you-really-just-write-about-a-$9-tank-top-and-how-coral-is-in" look right now. i told you this was train of thought. didn't say my thoughts were interesting. feel free to stop reading at any time if you disapprove of my choo-choo. (oh, yes, i did.)
today is my grandmother's 85th birthday! holy cow! she reads this blog (though she prefers when i post pictures of the babies to posts like these). so, hello, grandmother! happy birthday! i love you!
i think my children are conspiring to alternate days on which they choose not to nap. monday it was grayson. yesterday it was ellie. today they both napped pretty well, but i just rocked gray to sleep. at 11:15. in the nighttime. ellie will probably pop up at my bedside at 4:30 a.m. trying to convince me that "it's sunny, mommy! let's watch sprout and eat pancake cereal* and juice!"
i love my diane birch pandora station. still. it's such a bonus that it plays brooke fraser. love that aussie.
i've been playing with my clothes a lot lately (yes, back to fashion, sorry), and i found what i think is a pretty cute take on the pattern mixing trend. i have this red skirt with a smallish floral print that kylah gave me. it's pretty long and prairie-ish looking (another trend). i put it together with a navy blue and white nautical striped t-shirt with a wide red belt at the seam of the two garments. and for my feet, cognac-brown riding boots. does this need a photo to be helpful? it really is cute. i promise. anyway, when i was playing with it earlier, the zipper on the skirt decided to break. dangit. good thing i'm going to gramma's this weekend.
there is some extremely exciting investigative work happening on behalf of our family right now. on the other side of the world. i am anticipatory and cautious at once. that's all i can say about that. don't you love it when people do that? so sorry! you'll just have to keep reading my blog for the next three years -- at least -- to see if i ever reveal the secret. how's that for a hook? at least i didn't leave you wondering if i'm pregnant. i'm not. fyi.
i'm pretty good at totally forgetting school when i'm on vacation. my students took a test on friday before break, and i told them i would NOT be grading it until the sunday night before we start back. so they need not check gradebook to see if it's posted. 'cause it isn't. and i haven't thought about it once. then one of my students showed up youth group tonight. i was awkwardly surprised. "jack**!!! ohmygosh, hi! wow! hi! how ARE you?!" he was all totally averting eye contact and desperate for an escape. i'm such a dork. at least i had on a cool tank top. coral, no less. totally spring 2010.
OK, i think i'll wrap up this train wreck. i'm going to power hour the house and the suitcase (for tomorrow's dallas trip -- woohoo!) and then hit the hay. does anyone else say that? hit the hay? my mom says that. i don't really get it. do people sleep in hay and say that? is that, like, a throw back from straw-stuffed beds or something?
i digress...
*what ellie renamed honey nut cherrios. i guess she thinks they taste like pancakes.
**name changed to protect the innocent. poor jack*. he's probably scarred from my spaz out.
Aiming for progress, not perfection.
"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6
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I love Target/Mossimo tanks! They're the best! And one truly does need one in every color.
And you were right about the idiom, "hit the hay." When I taught 10th grade, we had "Idiom Tuesday" or whatever day it was, and on those days, we discussed the origins of different idioms. During that process, I happened to learn that back in the day, mattresses were sacks stuffed with straw and/or hay. It's also where we get the phrase, "hit the sack." I'm gonna push my glasses up my nose now...and then hit the hay...hehe.
I feel really old reading your fashion train cars. I felt that I should take notes. That's really old. Maybe I'm just stuck at home too much.
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