gray is still rolling a ton, still playing a ton, still smiling a ton, still babbling a ton. he can sit for a few seconds, but not much longer so far. interesting, ellie was already on all fours and scooting by seven months. she crawled and pulled up in her eighth month. gray prefers to roll to his destinations. he weighs more than ellie did -- 19 pounds, 5 ounces at his most recent doctor's appointment. do you think they look alike? still no sleeping through the night. though, since he has gotten over the flu, he seems to be able to stretch between feedings a little more. he likes baby food, but i seem to be too busy (lazy?) to feed it to him very much. he remains my milk man. we've also discovered gray likes to sleep with music playing, but have yet to buy him a boom box. that's on the to-do list for this month. currently, we play the music on his swing (which he all but hates), which is tinny and terrible. we promise you a real boom box soon, baby boy.
as i said, this month, gray had the flu. but we also... wait, are you ready? oh, i'm so excited. rid of thrush! hoooooooray! gray and i did a quick happy dance just now. thank the Lord!
he still likes to be swaddled, but only has a few blankets left that can contain him. beth could have had no idea how must-have her baby gift would be when she bought it.
favorite toys are his stuffed elephant that plays lullabies and the rainforest jumparoo that brylie donated to him. he only recently discovered he can jump in it. yeehaw!
grayson reed -- you are just about the handsomest thing i've ever seen. just today at lunch, mamo and i were talking about how all we want to do is sit around and look at your handsomeness. you soak it up too. you stare at people until they look at you, then you grin real big and look away. you're a flirt with a capital "f." watching you and ellie together brings me a joy i can't explain. your life has added a layer of greatness to our family. we would not be us without you. i love you with love wider than the ocean. your mama.
happy 7 months, gg. jojo loves you so...
Praise God about the thrush. I did a quiet internal happy dance at my work desk when I read that. I can't imagine... I know how bad it was when Ang and Jaron had it. That was terrible! YAY FOR YOU!!!
Such precious babies! I love 'em. I think the main difference I see is the shape of the eyes. I don't think they look exactly alike, but you do know they are related. Precious, soooo precious. Hugs to them from Baca.
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