Aiming for progress, not perfection.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

call me crazy. here goes nothing.

a couple weeks ago, i contemplated running the breast cancer 5k in san angelo on october 4. considering that was eight weeks away at the time of contemplation, and i'm not technically supposed to work out for six weeks after giving birth, the decision was made to forgo that idea. there is a one-mile fun-run/walk that i do believe i'll participate in because i can do that regardless of how much working out i actually get in before the date arrives.

i do hope to "fun-run" most of it. we'll see.

but today, thanks to this post, i have completely passed over the idea of a 5k and agreed to try a 10k.

i'm struggling with a feeling of helplessness right now, and i think a goal like this -- a tough, but, with work, attainable one -- will give me something i know i can reach. my own doubt is all i have to beat. it'll be hard. but, with determination, i can do it.

i think.

plus jenny's so dang persuasive! and the possibility of some semblance of a runner's body is not bad motivation.

capital 10k.
austin, texas.
six months to six (point 2) miles.

call me crazy. here goes nothing.


no_iffer said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be great! You live in my neighborhood - we can run together! You're going to love it! I am way excited.

A's Rich Life said...

uh...there's a reason a nursing mother SHOULD NOT run! lol

Adam said...

I'm in! Can't wait!! :)