elizabeth claire henry has been alive for a whole month. actually, a month and a couple days now. i can't believe it. it seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hopsital. isn't it funny? i will say that same line when she goes to kindergarten. when she starts playing basketball. or dancing ballet. or playing the flute. when she learns to ride a bike. i will say that when she starts going to youth group and as she grows to know and love jesus. i will say it when she walks across the stage at her high school and college graduations. i will say it when her daddy walks her down the aisle as she marries the man i've been praying for since we knew she was coming. and i'll say it now.
"it seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital, my precious ellie."
at her one-month checkup yesterday she weighed 8 pounds and 11.2 ounces. the pediatrician told me, "she looks fab" and "you're doing a great job."
yes, my pediatrician said, "fab."
here are some pictures from the last week or so. there are lots. enjoy.
ellie meeting landon's nanny for the first time.
she just put her foot up on kylah's mouth like this. so how could she help but kiss it?
auntie jo loves her niece.
chillin' in one of her cute day-of-the-week onsies aunt nat gave her when she was born.
sleeping. i think she looks like don king with this hair.
meeting landon's peepaw at kylah's wedding rehearsal. she promptly pooped in this dress and had to take it off.
i love this picture.
landon and kylah's childhood friend, leah, and their cousin adam's daughter tamara (woah..) holding ellie. tamara kept proudly announcing to everyone that ellie was her cousin. so cute.
in daddy's arms after a shower with mom. she LOVES to get in the shower with us. seriously. it's like her most favorite thing to do.
she also loves to sleep in her carseat after she's done staring at this super cute ball my mom got her.
sacked out after eating.
how could you not kiss that face?
what can i say?