Aiming for progress, not perfection.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

too excited to hold it and help desperately needed.

for the longest time, the (which you all know is my third, uh, make that fourth love now, behind landon, doc and the new baby) staff has been discussing the implementation of a blog. everybody has a blog. every media outlet has a blog. they needed a blog.

well, my friends, the time has come.

and mickey always said he wanted me to post on it because he's read mine. plus he thinks it's just the sort of thing i could do in order to stick around the cowboys without being employed there in any sense of the word. of course, i was more than happy to oblige that request of his.

so i discover the blog today and ask mickey about it. he says he's spoken with derek about needing a "female presence" on the blog, and derek agreed it's a good idea. mick gave me derek's number and told me to call to set it up.

my thinking is, it's a blog like this. the one page that i post on. only this would be various people posting like on the frontburner blog or the dmn blogs or whatever. well, it turns out you click the blog link on the homepage and there are various blogs you can link to. one by the writers, one by rob phillips, one by derek, a couple by the interns. that kind of thing. still, i only thought i'd be a contributor to someone else's on occassion.

i call derek and he says, "ok. what do you want to name it?" what?!?!

yeah. i get my own. isn't that incredible?! i'm so excited.

but here's the problem. i have no freakin clue what to call it. this is a very big deal. thousands of people read this website every day. i may get some loyal readers on MY dallas cowboys blog. i need a name. crap. so much pressure.

i think it has to make it obvious that i'm a woman -- i'm the only female blogger. it has to be obvious that it'll be an interesting, different perspective, one from a woman. it has to be clever. not cheesy. easy to remember. but not too dull.

i need suggestions! i want to post my first entry on thursday (the day the team arrives at training camp in cali) so i have approximately 24 hours.

please help... put on your best creative writer caps - this means you, natalie and molly.

i'm eternally grateful in advance.



Natalie said...

how bout "Cowboy Chick" or "Cowboy Chic", "Football Femme Fatale", "The Cowboy's Cowgirl,", "Gridiron Gal." "Hottie in the Huddle."
dammit I wish your name were Mary You'd be Hail Mary.

hmmm.... i'll keep thinking.

Sarah P. Henry said...

ooohh.. i like gridiron gal.

mom just thought of "Cowgirl Post" - post is a place you hitch a horse, a play in football AND what you do on a blog. i think that's winning right now..